Screw-Capped Wines to Get an Own Glass

The enjoyment and appreciation of wine has been taken to new heights by iconic wine glass maker Riedel. This Austrian company, which has been making glasses since 1756, is known for offering an array of stemware individually shaped to enhance the aromas and flavours of different wines and wine styles, as well as Coca-Cola.

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Travels of Power and Seduction on the High Road

From coke-head to wine boffin, Jay McInerney.
From coke-head to wine boffin, Jay McInerney.

Jay McInerney, the American novelist who proved that one can become a competent wine writer after years of heavy cocaine snorting, says he can smell a Haut-Brion Bordeaux wine from across the room. Whether this says something about that wine or Jay’s perceptive olfactory sense is not clear, but after all the Bolivian marching powder the Dude did, my money is on the wine.

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