Open Letter to David Higgs at Rust en Vrede

To: David Higgs,


Dear David

Excuse me for saying so, but I was not supposed to really enjoy last week’s media lunch at Rust en Vrede. Being part of the team responsible for the event I was busy ?+¦-+???+¦-ú?-¦?+¦-ú?+¦+¦ like yourself ?+¦-+???+¦-ú?-¦?+¦-ú?+¦+¦ busy with a lot of backroom grinding. Organizing, translating fact-sheets, planning the flow of the event with Coenie, Kobie and Jean, arranging photographs, burning CDs, arranging with the esteemed members of the SA wine writing fraternity, and so forth.

This was, when hosting the cr?+¦???+¦?+¦-+?+¦+ëme de la cr?+¦???+¦?+¦-+?+¦+ëme of SA’s wine media at Rust and Vrede, a pleasure, but one is sure kept on your toes to ensure it will be alright on the night.

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